วันอังคารที่ 3 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Why Monday's sexual health?

Why Monday's sexual cheap cialis?

Before I post tomorrow morning's sexual cialis post, I want to clarify why I do such a post.
I am simply a woman who likes to read and blog. My sexual topics do not mean that I am any more sexual than the next woman. Neither are they meant to be viewed as smut. If you are a reader who frowns on Monday's topics, I suggest you don't read it.
I do it for women of all ages.
In my life I have met many women who do not know about their bodies.
They have these bodies but they have no owners manual.
In the years when my mother grew up, and prior to that, women had no idea about their bodies, what was happening, or what was to be expected. Things were very hush hush, and many started menstruating without even knowing why they were bleeding.
As years passed, many experiences left them feeling insecure. They often felt they were alone with the hormonal, physical, and emotional changes. How could they confide in someone, when they felt they were the only one in the world going through this?
My hopes with Monday's post, is to educate women. To arm them with knowledge. This is 2010. No need to be in the dark. No need to blush. Women need to know they are not alone. To know they are normal. It's human nature.
As for young women who stumble upon this blog, I would want them to get the proper information. I want them to never feel indifferent about themselves. I want them to love themselves, to have confidence, knowledge and to shine.

